
與陳譯老師學英文之學習心得 (速聯科技工程師)(詳細內容)

本中心多益學員 現為速聯科技工程師 Joey

  I always remembered that I was interviewed on new job at two years ago. The interviewer told me about TOEIC achievement which is a tragedy. When I join it, I just comprehend the means because my company has three item trials to test all newcomer on probation. The first one is eight times presentation by using English, the second item is a technological dissertation by utilizing English and the last one is a English presentation in public.
  If I didn't meet teacher Steve, I won't pass the test, because the three items are very difficult for me, even though I have fully work experience on this industry. He give too many best suggestions to me. For example, listening English song, watching movie and exploiting systematical way to learn grammar, furthermore, he want his students have highly interesting on English. An immense supporting strength is very significant when I have three item trials.     

   Teacher Steve(陳譯), converting conversational or traditional way on education, preparing systematical material to students, putting commerce and language into one thing, is a best mentor in my life. When I attended your class, you always have too many best advice to enhance my weakness and to modify my defect on language. The advice really touches me, I really love it. So, I'd appreciate your help.
I quoted a famous word to appreciate your help. Michael Jordan said. "I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." You give me suggestions, strength and courage to do a breakthrough in three item trials.




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